Managing your personal finances can be challenging at any age and in any stage of your career but especially while in residency. Residents often earn...
Michael Jerkins, MD MEd
President & Co-Founder
Michael is the President and Co-founder of Panacea Financial and is also a practicing physician in Little Rock, AR. After earning his BBA in Economics he deferred his medical school acceptance to teach middle school science in the Phoenix, AZ area while also earning his Masters in Education from Arizona State University. He then completed medical school at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center before finishing his residency at University of Cincinnati Medical Center and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. With a faculty position and board certifications in both Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, Michael is able to treat patients of all ages and teach medical trainees in both inpatient and outpatient settings.
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Almost three quarters (71%) of U.S. banking customers prefer to manage their bank accounts through a mobile app or computer, according to the American Bankers...
Residents often work long hours. Rules implemented by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) in 2003 limit work hours for all residents. These...
When researching financial products, you’ll likely see terms like APY and APR. If you don’t know what these terms mean, it can be challenging to...
Buying your first home is an exciting milestone. Whether entering residency or already a practicing physician, dentist or veterinarian, making the leap from renting to...
When looking at deposit services, like savings accounts and certificates of deposits, you are likely seeing terms like Annual Percentage Yield (APY) and interest rate...
Physicians, dentists and veterinarians take on hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt to pay their way through school. Once in residency or practice, it’s...
Despite high earning potential, many doctors find themselves with less-than-ideal credit scores due to substantial student loan debt and the financial strain of school and...
Medical practice ownership can be an exciting, but challenging step in a physician’s career. Buying a medical practice will give you a running start to...
Match Day is a momentous occasion in the lives of medical students and aspiring doctors around the world. This eagerly anticipated event marks the culmination...